RIFF passes on sale, sponsorship, volunteer opportunities open

Passes ranging from all-access to single-day are available for purchase, and Festival Executive Director Seth Ingram encourages people to get them now.

“With so many amazing films to screen, surprise celebrity attendances and great networking opportunities, we encourage people to support the art of independent filmmaking and the presence of RIFF in Northwest Georgia,” said Ingram.

Each year, RIFF brings in film fans and filmmakers from all over the world. This sparks an interest for movies to be filmed throughout the Northwest Georgia region, which can reap positive economic impacts.

RIFF sponsorships put Northwest Georgia on the map and help inform visiting filmmakers, patrons and tourists about the businesses, restaurants, hotels and other unique features the area has to offer. 

“RIFF sponsors receive customized partnerships and branding opportunities through over $100,000 of media and an effective social media campaign,” said Douglas Collins, Development Director. “We have educational workshops, feature films, and events that can leverage our sponsors’ marketing dollars and deliver powerful results while enriching the arts in our community.”

Those interested in becoming a sponsor or learning about marketing opportunities offered by the festival may contact Collins at doug@riffga.com, call 775.742.8403, or visit riffga.com/sponsors.

RIFF would not be possible without the help of countless volunteers. Melissa Rutledge, now a RIFF board member, has volunteered for the festival in the past and said it was unforgettable. 

“Our volunteers work side-by-side with board members, staff, and programmers to help keep the festival and all its moving parts running smoothly,” says Rutledge. “If you've ever aspired to take part in the booming film industry, volunteering at a film festival is a great place to start.”

Festival volunteers also receive the benefits of free passes for all films and a t-shirt. To review volunteer guidelines and sign up, visit riffga.com/volunteer

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